If you can't find what you looking for below you can also try our Knowledge base
KB - eGiving Knowledge Base
You can contact us by using our feedback form
For financial issues (refunds, queries about offerings, etc), please contact the corresponding office for the church to which you made the donation. The contact details for all conferences can be found on the contact page.
For technical issues (platform errors, login or device issues, etc), please contact eGiving support using our feedback form
Am I able to get a report of all donations made to tax-deductible offerings for a particular tax year?
Yes. Please follow these instructions on the Knowledge Base.
I'm looking for a specific offering or project and can’t find it what should I do?
Contact your local church treasurer or the conference office. They have the ability to add an infinite amount of offerings and projects to the eGiving website.
Why can’t there be a comments or donor specified gift section which allows the donor the ability to specify where they want their gift to go?
Offerings need to be preconfigured to ensure they are able to be sent to the correct beneficiary. We need to be 100% certain we know who the beneficiary is for tax and accounting purposes. For example if someone asked for funds to go to "Orphans in Asia and Africa"? Who would we send the money to? We have not allowed this situation to happen to ensure we can always meet the donor’s wishes.
What can I do if I have donated the wrong amount, or donated funds to the wrong place?
If you have made a mistake, please provide your receipt number to your local church treasurer explaining what changes you would like to make.
Are there any fee’s collected from my donations?
Your Conference pays all associated fees, so when you return your tithe, or donate to a specific project, all funds are applied as intended
Can I see donations made through my local church?
This is not currently available.
Why can’t I see my local Church / Conference to make donations to?
Some Conferences have their own electronic giving system that they prefer you use. Please refer back to your church treasurer to find out where this is located.
How do I know that my credit card details will not be stolen?
Your card details have been given the best protection that we can think of! When completing a payment, your card details are transferred using encrypted communication between your computer and the eGiving website and again between the eGiving website and the bank, then the card details are discarded. Your credit card details are not saved or recorded in eGiving at any stage.
If you create a scheduled payment, our bank will record the relevant credit card details within their scheduling systems for future processing. These stored card details are not accessible to anyone, including eGiving system administrators and church accountants. eGiving further protects stored card details by making sure that stored card details can only be used for the scheduled payment they were configured for. This protects against unauthorised changes to the amount of your scheduled donation.
We are aware that some people prefer to make their tithe and offering contribution anonymously to their local church. To facilitate this, donations that are made without logging in will be reported to the local church as anonymous donations. There is also an option on the donation completion page for logged in users to request that the local church are unable to see your contact details. (Note: This is not available at egiving.org.nz due to the tax deductibility of most donations).
Viewing Receipts
Receipts are issued as PDF documents. If your system does not have a PDF document viewer, choose one of the following:
Adobe - The original PDF document reader. For Mac and PC
Foxit - Faster than adobe, smaller download. For PC only
What description can I expect to see on my bank or credit card statement?
For donations made to Australian churches using a credit card you will see SDA CHURCH LIMITED WAHROONGA AUS and using BPAY you will see SDA CHURCH LTD. For donations made to New Zealand churches you will see SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST MANUKAU NZL
Which churches accept donations via BPAY?
BPAY is only available to churches within Australia
Can BPAY numbers be reused?
Yes, once a BPAY number has been generated by the eGiving website you are able to reuse it. Note that this number is unique to the donation basket you set. Therefore future donations with be split according to the percentage of the total payment which each offering makes up. The BPAY number is also tied to a particular church, so if you change churches you will need to set up a new BPAY number.
For example the first time you make a payment using your BPAY number you pay $2000
Offering Name |
Amount of First donation |
Percentage of total payment |
Tithe |
1000 |
50% |
Local church budget |
500 |
25% |
250 |
12.5% |
Global Mission |
250 |
12.5% |
Total |
2000 |
100% |
Then the next time you make a payment using the same BPAY number but only pay $1000, the split will be as follows
Offering Name |
Amount of second donation |
Percentage of total payment |
Tithe |
500 |
50% |
Local church budget |
250 |
25% |
125 |
12.5% |
Global Mission |
125 |
12.5% |
Total |
1000 |
100% |
Note the percentage of the total payment did not change.
Where can I find out more about BPAY?
An overview of MyAdventist and eGiving
What is MyAdventist and eGiving from SPD IT on Vimeo.
How to create a MyAdventist account
Creating a MyAdventist Account from SPD IT on Vimeo.
How to make a Once Off donation?
How to make a Once Off donation using eGiving from SPD IT on Vimeo.
How to make a recurring donation
How to make a recurring donation using eGiving from SPD IT on Vimeo.
How to reset a forgotten password
MyAdventist - Forgotten password from SPD IT on Vimeo.
How to use the eGiving application
How to access TeamViewer if requested by eGiving support personnel
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